POINTS OF LIGHT 928 EAST FIFTH STREET VOLUME IV #2 Brooklyn, New York 11230-2104 Published by: Temple of the Eternal Light (718) 438-4878 An "Omni-Denominational" Religious Fellowship _____________________________________________________ WELCOME ALL READERS. POINTS OF LIGHT is the monthly newsletter of TEMPLE OF THE ETERNAL LIGHT. It is an open forum for anyone to send in articles, poetry, short, short, stories, advertising or anything else. We desire it to blossom into a cornucopia of fact, or fantasy relating to modern magickal living, spiritual growth and a network linking all members of our human family by a chain of fellowship. With wishes for Love and L.V.X. Rt. Rev. Jerome Peartree, Publisher Rev. Karen DePolito, Editor ****************************************************************************** OPEN INVITATION TO ALL This event is open to both members and non-members. Please call a day in advance and let us know you are coming. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 23 at 8:00 P.M. CELEBRATION OF THE PIPE OF PEACE in the NATIVE AMERICAN TRADITION. It is suggested everyone join with us in Spirit and/or Body to preserve the concept of worldwide peace. Donation: Bring yourself, a friend, some food or drink. $1.00 Optional ****************************************************************************** ANNOUNCEMENT OF A HANDFASTING You may have wondered why the Temple did not offer a Candlemas Celebration this year. Here is the reason. On Candlemas Day, Saturday, February 2, 1991 a wondrous Sacrament of Handfasting was celebrated by our Priestess, Lady Kathleen (Kat) Hauprich and Priest, the Reverend George Ford. Lady Karen and Rev. Jerome joined in performing the ceremony during the celebration of our Gnostic Mass. Although it was requested the celebration be private, Kat is well-known in Wiccan circles from here to North Carolina. We ask you all to join with us in wishing these two well. Send any letters, cards or such in care of them at the Temple address. ****************************************************************************** CANDLEMAS ... A TIME FOR CONTEMPLATION Through the ages, Celtic and English Wicca legends of Candlemas abound. This signifies the time for the Earth and its creatures to be fruitful, to begin anew the germination of old seed already planted. Also is celebrated Oimelc (Ewe's Milk) to acknowledge the bursting fertility and forthcoming birth of lambs early in spring season. The R.C. church of Ireland commemorates the fire aspect of Saint Bridgit who in more Pagan traditions passed through Ireland. A. well with healing powers is credited to her. Even today, the Catholic churches Celebrate the "Purification of the Virgin" claiming this season as their own. All of these small events lead to the apparent increasing of daylight hours. It becomes evident to all in the temperate climates that the light is winning its time over the night. Winter is retreating heralding the renewal of the spring planting season. The final Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) is held before the Catholic advent of Lent. The last seeds are purchased in preparation for planting. The final plans are developed for everyone's accomplishment during the ensuing year. Allegorically, this is a time for: contemplation, a recharging of energies, purification of body mind and spirit and the renewal of one's quest for inner light. During the period from Candlemas to the Spring Equinox, the ancient farmers reviewed last years harvest and decided what the best crop for planting this year will be. For the city "farmer" it is a period of contemplation of tomorrow's goals and the best manner in which to gain them. The gleaning of the harvest is completed. The purification of ideas and ideals begun. Now is the time to cast aside the unrealistic goals. Now is the season to rid oneself of the pollution of pathways upon which we may have inadvertently tread in the past. With plans finalized, with the seeds of fut ure harvest ready the Magickian, the Wiccan, the Pagan can surely walk in harmony with others of like minds into the light of a brilliant fruitful summer. MAY THE GOD AND GODDESS ILLUMINATE YOUR PATH. ****************************************************************************** YIDDUSH YOGA THIRTEEN TOOLS TOWARD ENLIGHTENMENT A unique, amazing, original home study program DEVELOP A GREATER AWARENESS OF SELF. AID YOURSELF IN HEALING. GAIN KNOWLEDGE AND OVERCOME OBSTACLES IN LIVING. 7000 Years Ago, five Rabbis sat quietly discussing the answers that plagued mankind since the creation. They collected the combined knowledge of eighteen cultures and civilizations. From Mesopotamia, Sumaria, Phoenecia, and Egypt came the mythos of universal truth. Five Rabbis codified it, clarified it and presented it within the pages of a five volumne set of books known as the Zohar. To all outward appearances, these Rabbis were simply discussing the weather, farming and the general conversation between scholars. But, once delving into the nature of their work, one soon will discover a code unravelling the secrets of life itself. The great Caballistic glyph Otz Chaim, or The Tree of Life, was developed, discussed and decoded based upon the revelations contained within the first five biblical books of the Old Testament. The average person planning a vacation trip will often delve through numerous flyers, brochures and travel books to form a "road map" for travel. This program offers a "road map" through the greatest trip of all, that of life itself. This program is composed of 11 amazing lessons revealing the biblical code in simple form. It relates the nature of creation, of the DNA code, of the wisdom lying within each and every one of Earth's living creatures; the greatest of all being our human family. At the end of each lesson there are questions to be answered and/or exercises to be completed. Send in your answers for review and grading by the author and Pastor Dr. Jerome Peartree. Adding to the basic 11 lessons you will receive 3 additional supplements containing a series of questions and answers between the author and his students. Herein is contained the finishing touches to secrets heretofore a mystery. Now clearly revealed to the dedicated seeker and finder, to the sincere student of the occult. This is a worthwhile addition to everyone's library. It will enhance the Wiccan, the Ceremonial Magickian, the Pagan. Use it to gain new insights in living and worshipping the God and the Goddess. It is our sincere wish for every member of the human family to be a vehicle for the manisfestation of inner light. To this end these lessons have been created. Now it is up to You! Your desire to succeed. Your interest in prosperity. Your worship of self. Send for these lessons NOW! Temple of the Eternal Light requests a $10.00 registration donation and a $10.00 donation for each of the eleven lessons. The remaining supplements are sent without charge. SEND YOUR DONATION NOW! TEMPLE OF THE ETERNAL LIGHT 928 EAST FIFTH STREET , BROOKLYN, NEW YORK, 11230-2104 ****************************************************************************** AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SUPPORT Seldom does the Temple request donations for its services. However, printing and mailing costs have risen excessively. Therefore, in the last issue I have requested One Dollar from everyone and anyone wishing to assist the Temple in continuing this monthly Newsletter, "Points of Light". Thank you to the many who have responded generously. It is through your efforts rthat "Points of Light" will remain alive during the forthcoming year. To those who, as yet, have not acknowledged our request for a donation or at least returned the coupon below, kindly offer your support of this Newsletter. If you like it, we will keep it coming. Kindly include One dollar (more if you like) to assist with the postage and printing costs. However, the dollar is not mandatory. We enjoy knowing that you like our newsletter and wish to continue to receive it. Thank you. ****************************************************************************** I would like to enroll in Thirteen Tools Toward Enlightenment Home Study program. Here is my initial $20.00 donation. NAME........................................................... PHONE #................................ ADDRESS........................................................................ CITY.................................................. STATE................ ZIP........................ Yes, I would like to continue receiving "Points of Light Enclosed is my One Dollar donation. __________________________________________________________________ AN ANCIENT MYTHOS The Caballa indicates that when the last sentient creature on Earth becomes enlightened ...... The Earth will cease to be! Science appears to add credence to this by attesting to the nature of a participant creating (rather than an objective observer viewing ) the Earth. The participant is credited with creating the reality of which he views. Therefore, each of us, in essence, has created the Earth as each alone views it. When it is no longer viewed as being reality ... It will become an illusion. We are open to responses to these statements. Do you agree or disagree? ****************************************************************************** HANDCRAFTED ROBES - CUSTOM DESIGNED Especially for YOU! ..... by our Famous Seamstress A*R*A*C*H*N*E write for more information NOW! ****************************************************************************** Wanted for Temple Use .... Used Tricycle Rev. Karen needs an Adult Tricycle for local errands around the Temple. We will pay any reasonable price and shipping charge for a Used Adult Tricycle in Good or Repairable condition. CALL OR WRITE THE TEMPLE ... THANK YOU! ****************************************************************************** EXCERPTS FROM "THIRTEEN TOOLS TOWARD ENLIGHTENMENT" It is said there are guardians around the earth -- 72 of them, anyway, that King Solomon went ahead and worked to control. This leads me into talking about Solomon for a bit. King Solomon was given a choice of three things to have: power, riches, and wisdom. And he chose wisdom, knowing wisdom would give him everything else. And it's said that he had the ability to call forth, with certain seals (the Greater and Lesser Seals), all of the demons that existed in the world. And he put them all into a bottle, and sealed it with these seals and thew it into the ocean. The "Pandora's Box" type trip. Then someone came along and -- pop! -- uncorked it, letting them all out. So it's said that if I use his seal, and I invoke the demons, they must come. Because if they refuse to come, I can demand they come, and stick them back in the bottle. The magician is capable of commanding both sides of the force: the angelic side and the demonic side. The good or evil side, call it what you will. Remember, "evil" spelled backwards is "live". (In the same way..Motel spelled backwards is: "Let 'om".) This feeds into another little tidbit. During the six days of creation outlined in Genesis, each day ended with the line, "And God saw it and it was good." But if God created everything, when did he create demons? The answer is: if you look at the second day of creation, it does not say "And God saw it and it was good." The Hebrews say that His entire workings were not completed by the end of the second day, the task that God was working on. Therefore, He saw it unfinished, and did not make his statement. The Caballists say that's the day He created demons. It's not that he saw them as evil. He simply saw them as opposites -- angels of the earth, protectors of the earth, protectors of the portals. A Kingdom here on earth, as opposed to a Kingdom in heaven. From that time on -- from the time that Adam was kicked out of the Garden of Eden, and Michael was stationed there with a flaming sword to keep him out, Michael and Satan have been fighting the war for the control of man. The evolutionary forces versus involutionary forces, two opposites. D: What about the idea that Satan was a good angel who went bad? S: Bad, schmad. Satan was an angel that got smart. Frankly, the term "Satan" is a Christian concept. I see Heaven and Hell as a Christian concept. A concept created primarily to control, rather than to inform. The idea of "hell" came from the Sumerians. "Edinnazu!" means, "Go to the desert!" The desert is a hot place. The Sumerians' civilization dealt primarily with the cosmology, with exorcisms -- not invoking good, as much as getting rid of evil. Hopefully, the enlightened individual deals more with invoking good. "Come thou forth, and bring to me the energy and light", rather than getting rid of the dark. Essentially, it's the same thing: you get rid of the dark, you bring in light. God created Man in his image, according to Genesis. But something has been left out of the second chapter of that book -- namely, the realization that Adam was only part of an individual. He was the masculine side, the transmitter of knowledge. And as such, he was forbidden to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Because when one is transmitting -- as now, when I am exposing my masculine aspect to you -- I am not leaving myself open to receive knowledge. And you, in turn, are the receptor. Even though you happen to be a woman, at the same time, you can be a man, too, and turn the whole thing around and expose your masculine aspect. And teach me, or anyone else, knowledge. So Adam as the transmitter, was forbidden to eat of the fruit... (i.e., to receive) knowledge. It was after this prohibition, that the woman was created. And so the woman was never forbidden to eat that fruit. Scripture, as it is commonly understood, depicts the serpent as saying, "Hey lady, how come you ain't eating none of this stuff?" and her reply, "Well, God prohibited that." But that's not true. God only prohibited Adam. This woman, by the way, was never called Eve in the Garden of Eden. She was called "woman", coming from the Hebrew "Ah-sher", the root meaning "fire" or "spirit". The woman was the feminine aspect of Man, and as such was the receiver. Therefore, no matter how or what people, male or female, may think, say or feel, woman and man were created to work in harmony with each other within an individual body and also within the main body of the world in which we live. Male and female were created to be and always will be equals. So feminists of the world and male chauvinists alike....Go boil some eggs!